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Welcome to my blog :3

Monday, April 18, 2011

Back from the Dead!

Wow, so I haven't blogged in nearly a month! 

It's been a bit crazy here though, every time I wanted to blog something came up and I got distracted D:

So, there's been a bit of parent drama with me...

They told me, 3/4 of the way through the semester by the way, that if I didn't get all A's and B's they were going to pull me out of college, make me work for a year and go to community college, and then go to school in Houston instead of where I'm going now....

It was pretty intensely stressful since this semester has been stressful both schoolwise AND healthwise. 

It really made me think about a lot of things, and consider a few options.... But hopefully everything will be okay. 

I think my grades should be good and hopefully we can avoid a huge blow up for now, even though I'm still having some issues with them. 

Thankfully my wonderful boyfriend has been very supportive and helpful. He gives great advice when I need it, and helps me be strong when things are getting me down. He's dealt with so many tears, I don't know how he's so amazing and doesn't get freaked out <3

We've been together for a little over 5 months now :3 Squee!


Only a few weeks of class left, then finals and home I guess. Yay?

I'm really not looking forward to spending most of the summer in Houston. I may be taking some summer school classes I need, so that might be good but otherwise... Idk what I'll do. Get a job maybe? 

I'll try to remember to keep blogging.

I also got a sewing machine finally, but haven't had time to test it out on anything yet. 

Maybe tomorrow after my test?

That's it for now then.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pollen and Pixie Cuts

Springtime is beautiful, but also a little bit evil.
At least the pollen part is....

I have terrible, terrible seasonal allergies. Well, general outdoor allergies, but it's horrific in springtime. That's unfortunate since Spring is so pretty and everyone wants to be outside :(

I've been sneezing and itching like crazy! 
Allergy medicine doesn't help too much.
I'm considering starting shots sometime soon so I won't have to live this way forever.

But on the brighter side of life.....

I finally got my hair cut on Thursday! :D

It's pretty short, and will take some getting used to, but it's nice to be so light and free!

This is what my hair looked like before

Pretty long, right?

The process was fun, and I was able to donate some of my hair after all.

My hair had to be sectioned off since some of it is bleached, which Locks of Love can't take.

Cutting of my ponytails!

There's my hair! Hopefully it will be of good use.

Cutting off the rest of my hair :0



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Squeaky Clean!

So today started off rather unproductively....

You know that whole waking up at 6 am thing to be at school by 11?

Yeah. Didn't happen.
I ended up missing 2/3 of my classes today.

We left for a nice 2 hour drive to school, when my mom realized maybe 15 minutes out or so that she had forgotten her phone. We're trying to get our house sold and she always has to be prepared for realtor calls (which we did get only a few minutes after retrieving the phone) so of course we had to go back and get it.
Once all that was done, we got back on the road and made it just in time to be a few minutes late for my last class.

I have a test on Wednesday by the way. Woohoo!
At least I have that class with my boyfriend. He's an excellent study partner :D

After that my mom treated us both to dinner at Cracker Barrel, kind of a homestyle country sort of place.

This isn't the one I went to, but they all pretty much look like this.

It was a nice evening.

After we got back to my apartment (it's a campus apartment, but still great) the real fun began.


Yepp. And organizing. 

We cleaned and organized pretty much every part of my apartment, except for maybe the bathroom, which I'll get to later. The kitchen and fridge could use a little bit of putting stuff away too, but that can come later too.

It's all nice and tidy now (my mom even vacuumed for me!) and mostly clutter free.

Hopefully I can get to doing some projects soon.

I'll have to post some pictures of the various things I've done so far at some point, as well as documenting the creation of wonderful new things to come!

On a random note, I'm  wearing my favorite pair of pink robot earrings today!

They're rather cute (and I'm rather tired)

Also, hopefully tomorrow/today I'll be able to find out about getting my hair cut. It mostly depends on me going to the orthodontist, hopefully on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning, since that's in my home town and I'd rather get my hair cut by my usual stylist - She's great!

I used to have braces (I had them twice, actually)

First, in from 6th - 8th grade. 
This is me in 8th grade  Blegh! 
(I got them off later that year though)

And most recently, this past summer.
Ehh... Could have been worse I guess.

 Now I have permanent retainers on the backs of both my upper and lower teeth. 
Part of the glue on the upper one seems to have come loose, and hopefully they'll be able to fix it this week. It's not really a problem just yet, mostly annoying for now, but hopefully it won't get any worse. I've had the bottom one break before and that was a real pain - literally.

SO! I'll keep my fingers crossed about the hair thing. 

I need to go off and take a shower now, hopefully washing my long hair for one of the last times! :D

Monday, March 21, 2011

Back home... For now

So, after about 3 hours in the car today, we decided to spend the night at my house before going back to school.

It's been nice to rest at home, cook dinner (which turned out great!), and watch tv with my mom.

The downside is, we need to be up around 6:30 am to pack up the remainders of my stuff to bring back to school, so we can leave before 7 to miss any early morning traffic.

You know, since I need to be in class by 11 am and all... Greaaaaaaaat...

I dunno if I'll be driving on the way there. It all depends on how tired I am. I barely got any sleep last night, or rather this morning seeing as how I fell asleep around 8 am.

Ohhh, me. 
How silly I am.

I'm so looking forward to seeing my boyfriend.
miss him quite a bit when we're apart, although it's tolerable.
I don't die inside or anything, I'm just somewhat incomplete.

I love hearing his voice on the phone. We calls each other here and there throughout the day, even if it's just a short call to check in. It makes me feel so happy and loved :3

He's truly the best, though the many, many reasons why that's a scientific fact is something I'm not going to get into just yet. But just take my word for it. He's amazing, and by now I know the difference between amazing and not amazing.
You'd be surprised how similar they can seem when you don't know what amazing looks like :0

Anyways, I'm not really looking forward to going back to class. I don't really like any of my classes this semester, and being sick on and off hasn't helped with any of that. Le sigh... Just gotta get through it I suppose. 

Oh college, why must you test me so?

I wish I could go to school only for art classes, and maybe a few extra things I find interesting, but that wouldn't really work. I didn't want to go out of state for school, and there aren't really any decently credible art schools in Texas that I know of. I do like my school though, so I'm content to stay there, just not entirely pleased with the classes I have to take if that makes sense.

And now for something completely different!

This is hilarious.

I can't wait to eventually eat up all the snacks I aquired this weekend during our family trip to China Town. We went to this big indoor mall, which had a huge market inside.

I got various breads, candies, and treats, but this was one of the most interesting:

It's some sort of sticky rice cake/bun covering a coconut and durian filling.

Now... I'm not 100% sure what a durian tastes like. 

(a durian cut open)

I've heard it smells something awful. 

It looked pretty interesting when I unwrapped it.

But when I took a bite....

 I found that the inside tasted like a combination of delicious coconut and.... Onions?

It's kind of strange... I tried to eat it, but couldn't get very far. I'm not a huge fan of onions, and the flavor and smell was pretty pungent. 

The outside was really tasty, but the filling was just too hard for me to stomach, which is really unfortunate because had it just been the coconut inside it would have been amazing!

Oh well :/
It never hurts to try something, even if it ends up a little disappointing.
At least I got plenty of other tasty treats to enjoy :)

I always love Asian markets <3

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Nail Art, Anyone?

So, recently I've found that I really enjoy painting my nails in cute or creative ways. 

Today, I decided to go for fruit. 

Toothpicks and patience are amazing tools for nail art.

I'm not too sure how I feel about their look though, now that they're done.

My left hand has an orange,  a raspberry, a lemon, grapes, anddddd....

...A strawberry for the thumb! 
(Rawr! Claw hands!)

And on the right, bananas (there are three, I swear), a piece of watermelon, cherries, a pear, aaaand.... 
(oh the suspense!)

... An apple! Yay! :D

I can't be sure how long these will last. I'll waive them at my boyfriend tomorrow and see what he thinks, though my mom's already said she thinks they're cute but someone would have to look really closely to tell what they are, haha.

I still have the remains of the strawberries I painted on my toes a few weeks ago, which I absolutely love! Originally they were on my fingers too, it made me feel so girly!

Unfortunately they're starting to fade and chip now :( Boo
Maybe I should redo them :) 
There's still hope for these toes!

A few days ago, I had flying bees and clouds on my fingers, although I don't have any pictures of them as they didn't last too long :/

But I DO have pictures of my Poke Ball and Master Ball nails from a while back

I'll admit they're not the best I've seen, but it was fun to do :)

Has anyone else done any nail art they're proud of?

There are some really amazing techniques out there! 

I think I'd like to try marbling next, once my nails grow out a bit more...
Let's hope I'm up to the task!

Activities of an Insomniac

While I haven't been diagnosed with insomnia officially, I do have a lot of nights where I just cannot sleep, or just don't have the desire to. 

Today's another one of those days, it is technically day now, right?

So instead of sleeping, I've been trying to work on some school work.

It hasn't been going well. 

So in the meantime, I've been catching up on shows I've missed and watching the last few episodes of Kaleido Star, the anime series I've been watching lately. 

It's pretty crazy but good. It's about acrobats, the main one being Sora and her dreams to be a star of the Kaleido Stage. Some of their maneuvers are pretty insane. It makes me wonder if acrobats really do crazy things like that. I've yet to go to Cirque du Soleil or see anything that could be remotely similar. 

I've also been thinking about the various art projects I need to do. 

Sewing plushies, clothes (if I can get around to it or find room for a machine), paintings, drawing practice, sculptures of various kinds... It's a lot to think about at once. 

Strangely, when my creativity seems to finally be peeking back out, I can't seem to put together a mere 500 word essay for school. But I have til at least Monday I suppose, so I guess I could always cram a bunch of work in tomorrow/today. 

Still, I should get to sleep soon as I'll have to help my mom drive today. We'll be going from the apartment, to the house (a 3 - 4 hour drive), then load up the rest of my stuff and back to my place at school (another 2 hour drive).

I sort of live in three places right now:
One for school
One for home that my parents are trying to sell
One at the apartment where we're planning to move and where my dad lives and works

I see very little of the last one. I have nothing but boxes in my room there. Not even furniture yet.

 It's kind of an all over the place situation, and while I've been hesitant to officially change home cities, I'm kind of starting to get more used to the idea. Even a tiny bit excited, but simultaneously anxious. 

I guess it'll be nice to have both my parents in one place again too.

On a different note, I'm excited about getting my hair cut. 

It's pretty long right now, a little ways past my shoulder blades. 
I don't think I've really cut it length-wise in oh.... At least two years, probably two and a half now. 

Even thought I've had it short before, I'm planning on getting something like a pixie cut, so it's all coming off as soon as possible. 

I really can't wait. I'll admit that I am a little nervous because it's been so long since it's been short. 
The last time it was nearly that short was at the beginning of my last year of high school.

This was at Homecoming my Senior year, around September I guess.

 But still, it feels like one of the changes I need to make for myself. 

Something fresh and new. 

I've finally started to get sick enough of my long hair to want to chop it all off. 

I had already decided that it was either keep it long or cut it all off, and nothing in between, and I've reached the point where I want it gone. 

It's lovely and all, but it's so much work to wash, brush, and detangle - ohhhhhhh the detangling.... 

I finally broke down and bought some kid's hair detangler, which helped but it still tangles itself up again from just day to day activities. 

It has a pretty amazing octopus on it, and it was pretty inexpensive.
I do believe it's the same one pictured here:

Look at that face!
I'd let him do my hair any day!

It'll be kind of sad to not be able to do certain things with my hair once I cut it, but it will also be a relief. 
It might be easier to color by myself too hehe, but that may come later :3

On yet another note...
I think I write too much heh ^ - ^;

And So It Begins...

Have you ever woken up one day and realized that you're not the person you want to be?

That's kind of what's happened to me, though not exactly like that. 

It wasn't quite so dramatic, although I'll admit the realization was a bit upsetting. 

It was kind of a slow realization process I suppose, leading up to me having this moment where I realized that I needed to change. 

Not for my boyfriend, or my mother, or my friends, but for me

I just wasn't happy with myself, but I didn't know where to go from there.

Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I hate myself or anything. 

I don't hate my personality, though I'd like to be a little more social and a little less shy. 

I don't hate my body, though I'd like to be stronger and more fit than I am now. 

It was more that I was disappointed in my actions, or lack thereof, mainly in my art but also in a few other areas. 

I don't create enough, which ends up making me really sad. 
I can always tell when I haven't been doing enough, which is most of the time to be honest, because whenever I read art and crafting blogs or see the work of other artist, I get really depressed. Sometimes I've just wanted to cry over how I don't do this and I don't do that, and I have no motivation and so on and so on... 

Not exactly my best moments of thought. 

Last night was very much like this, only this time I felt like I just wasn't happy with how I was, plain and simple. 

I was starting to freak out a little when my boyfriend called me, wonderful as he is, and I talked to him about it. He could tell that I was upset, but encouraged me to do whatever I felt like I needed to do. 

Baby steps, he said, as he's often told me before. The changes I want to make won't happen overnight, and I know I'm going to have to work for myself if I want to succeed and really make myself happy. 

I know it's a lot of rambling here, but I just wanted to document this for myself. 

It's hard to put into words the things that I want to accomplish, and maybe I'll find them along the way.

I hope this isn't too crazy for anyone to read, if anyone does read it that is :)